KPBSD school board member named AASB president

"I am honored to be president of an organization made up of men and women who believe children are our top priority," said Sunni Hilts, KPBSD school board member [District 9] and new AASB president. "School board members are so important to our children and to our state. I believe that we will make a difference as we use our voice together—a difference for children."
Hilts, representing KPBSD district 9, took leadership in her new position as president of the 15-member Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB) board of directors during the 60th annual conference and youth leadership institute in Anchorage, Alaska, November 7-10, 2013.
"All of KPBSD is proud of Sunni taking the helm of the AASB board," said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent. "I know that she is well regarded by her peers from across the state and will do an excellent job."
"This recognition is another indicator of how highly esteemed our school district is throughout the state of Alaska," said KPBSD school board president Joe Arness.
Hilts current term with the KPBSD Board of Education expires in 2016, and she will be AASB president for one year.

The Association of Alaska School Boards is headed by President Sunni Hilts of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School Board for 2014. Hilts is pictured here with the 15-member AASB Board of Directors. In front (from left) are Charlene Arneson of the Chugach School District; Sue Hull of the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District; Tiffany Jackson of the Aleutians East School District; President Hilts; Andi Story of the Juneau School District; Deborah Edwardson of the North Slope Borough School District; and Cass Pook of the Sitka Borough School District. In the back row (from left) are Sarah Welton of the Mat-Su Boroug h School District; Peter Hoepfner of the Cordova School District; Kathleen Plunkett of the Anchorage School District; Rich Mauer of the Delta-Greely School District; Lon Garrison of the Sitka Borough School District; Mike Swain of the Bristol Bay Borough School District; Ignatius Chayalkun of the Kashunamiut School District; and Angela Washington of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District.
KPBSD Board of Education
Association of Alaska School Boards
AASB Board of Directors